5 Tips for Transitioning: Miko Branch Talks to Essence Magazine About How To Successfully Transition Hair

5 Tips for Transitioning: Miko Branch Talks to Essence Magazine About How To Successfully Transition Hair

What is transitioning?

Transitioning is a series of phases in your hair's growth, which allows your hair to get back to its natural texture. If you have spent most of your life applying chemical treatments as a means to straighten your curls, but have now have decided to embrace your natural texture, opting for a curly change of pace opens up a whole new door of styling options. Theoretically, you could "big chop," if you like, cutting off your permed ends for a fresh start with curly roots, however this drastic of a change is not for everyone. For those of you who would rather preserve your length, though a gradual process that could take years, you will find the transitioning process to ultimately be more rewarding in the long run.


What can I expect as I allow my hair to transition?

Have you ever gotten a really terrible haircut? Remember all the awkward phases your hair had to go through and all the ways you got creative with your hair styling techniques, before finally growing out and settling in a way you can be satisfied with? Transitioning back to your natural texture is a fairly similar experience. I'm not going to front curly girlies- transitioning can be a long process and requires serious commitment. Though the adjustments in your normal hair care routine are arguably minor, the temptation to fall into old habits, evening out your hair texture with damaging hot tools and chemical straightening treatments, will appear as easy outs, if you are not used to caring for curls. Transitioning may not feel ideal or be immediately comfortable for you at first because attempting to style and manipulate two vastly different hair textures can get tricky. However, that's where Miss Jessie's can step in to save the day! Watch and listen as Co-Founder of Miss Jessie's and curl expert, Miko Branch, divulges all the secrets to successfully transitioning.

source: essence.com

In a past blog, entitled Transitioner's Guide, I discussed my own transitioning journey. My series of tips compliments Miko's brilliant advice for transitioning, while also zeroing in on more product and styling specifics. Transitioning does not have to be an all uphill battle, you just have to be willing to shake off old habits and be flexible enough to experiment with new hair care techniques. If you avoid tempting stylistic choices that appear like quick-fix solutions and keep your eye on the prize, the benefits you will reap will be immeasurable. Miss Jessie's allows you to forget the all damaging hot tools approach, because conflicting texture patterns are easily conquerable, leaving your hair chic and always on fleek. Miss Jessie's unique line of hair products caters to all textures on the curly hair spectrum, encouraging optimum strength and healthy growth for every strand, throughout all phases of the transitioning process. Once you have completed the transitioning process, you will achieve a more simplified personal hair maintenance routine, and there is nothing more elegant than a head of all-natural, healthy, luscious, curls. With a little patience and the right assortment of Miss Jessie's products, it is possible to navigate the transitioning process with ease.

4 women with curly hair

source: tumblr.com

Keep styling and smiling curly queens!
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